Wednesday 7 August 2019

Detox yourself: from #Emotional_Toxins:

Detox yourself: from #Emotional_Toxins:
Though there is no scientific evidence yet that emotional toxins are responsible for chronic and lifestyle diseases, but I am pretty sure that it's because science thinks in opposite direction. Medical science says that different kinds of chemicals produced in our human system are responsible for creating different types of emotions.
But as we know human software works in such way that people do keep thinking continuously day and night. They emote far or against every situation they come across in their life. People always become judgemental about every person thought and emotion which they come across. We just decide it's good or bad instantly. We are always prejudiced.
These emotions do manifest in our system in form of chemicals which are known as neurotoxins are neurotransmitters. Though they are essential for living but Continuous secretion of these toxins impact our software and hardware as well.
Now a days we see so many people who haven't smoke even once in life, who haven't tasted a pinch of alcohol, but they are getting massive heart attack.
Medical personal are claiming certain genes, especially in Case of Indians, are responsible for it, or they are not able to find any cause for it.
But I am sure it's because of high level of emotional toxins ( which our rishis call Vish or poison) in our blood and system which is responsible for it.
Science can't come to this conclusion because they think other way round in respect to the emotions and toxins.
Science thinks that toxins produce emotions but facts are against and opposite to this theory.
Then question is what to do.
What is the first thing which can correct our way of living and thinking so that we don't secret these harmful emotional toxins?
Krishna tells the preventive way of detoxification:
इन्द्रियस्य इन्द्रियार्थेषु राग द्वेष व्यवस्थितौ।
तयो न वशं अगच्छेत तौ हि अस्य परिपंथनौ।।
- भगवतगीता।
We are always judgemental and start liking or disliking whatsoever situation person thought or emotion we come across.
We must avoid this to get rid of the bondage of our thinking process..

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