Wednesday 11 November 2020

Root Cause of Depression and Frustration

Why people are so much tense and terse, depressed and irritated, angry and violent?

Because we have been designed in such manner that whatever we ingest in our body, important elements are taken by our body and waste material is excreted out in form of मल मूत्र and स्वेद। 
If this doesn't happen?
You are in severe danger. 
Your life is at risk. 

But when it comes about ingesting thoughts ideas and ideologies they make a permanent place our mind. Several thoughts are toxic. But we don't know what they are, and how to throw them out.
So we are bound to become toxic.
Toxicity becomes part of our existence. 
Toxicity means poison. 
This is solely responsible for tension, terseness, frustration anger and violence within us. We are bound to leave a constipated and sick life. 

What is the way out.
We need to do catharsis of out mind. Cleansing of mind is only way out. 

Catharsis of mind is most important.

But it's not an easy procedure.
Neither it's impossible task. 

But most important thing is that does one relly feels to cleanse his/her mind. 

© Tribhuwan Singh 


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