Friday 15 August 2014

Freedom didnt come free of cost , We were rewarded with Colonial Myths also about our past.
British left India in 1947 , 15 August ,and other Colonies because of their problem at Home after world war second . What they had to do with Broke en looted India and economically destroyed India . When they came to India , India used to have 25% of World GDP , while British and America merely Hold 2% , and India was exporter nation . Despotic loot and Destruction of Indian Manufacturing and Industry , and in the wake of British Industrialization , in 1900 situation reversed , India was merely producing 2% of World GDP , while Britons and America contributed 43% combined . Most of Us know the History of this Broken India, economically and socially . In 150 years they  created massive unemployment , which was around 700% . It means if 8 persons had job (in manufacturing or marketing ) in 1750  , 7 persons were unemployed in 1900 . This Rhetoric becomes more important , when Pm MODI gave the slogan of "MAKE IN INDIA " yesterday . We are only aware of this massively unemployed , and Poverty stricken Masses , who have been surviving on their Technical skills since time immemorial , at least the known 2000 years and before .
These unemployed technically skilled fled to villages for survival ,where they were given shelter . But British and Christian Historians and later on Leftist Marxist  created a Myth that the Brahmanism , not Colonialism and despotic loot and destruction of Indian Manufacturing and village Industry , was responsible for the pitiable condition of masses of India , to divide to rule , and to convert in Christianity. We are still carrying same colonial legacy and mind set , and passing the same concocted Myth and theories to our next generation , which is an ignorance , not a bliss.

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